bumper retrieve Welcome to Deep Run Farm - Professional Training and Handling for Hunting Retrievers. duck retrieve

About Our Training       

"Of all the things I miss from veterinary practice, puppy breath is one of the most fond memories!" -- Dr. Tom Cat

See our videos and articles
about puppies and dog training

Training Options:
All Dogs All training dogs will require veterinarian's proof of current DHLP-P, Kennel Cough (Bordatella) and Rabies prior to accepting the reservation. Your dog will also need to be on Heartworm preventative and Frontline Topspot. All precautions will be made to protect your dog from fleas and ticks, but we are in the country, and would like your dog to be protected.
Puppy Training By the week or month. Tailored to your requirements, whether for companion, obedience, or field work. An exit appointment at the end of the session will review what your pup has learned and give you homework.
Basic Training Basic obedience essential for your pup or dog to be a "good citizen". Includes heel, sit, stay, come, down and crate training. Several training programs are offered for your pet or companion dog.
Accelerated Training For those dogs who choose to have more training in a given period of time, this program offers a more intense approach with increased trainer contact time. Available at all levels.
Advanced TrainingObedience and companion dog training on and off lead. Greater emphasis is placed on the dog being under control in less formal situations - on a walk in the country, while playing alone or with other dogs, while swimming.
RatesOur training rate is $350/week, $1200/month. Accelerated obedience (two training sessons daily) is $850/two weeks. All training reservations require a non-refundable deposit of $150 to hold your spot. Call us for a training reservation application.
By AppointmentOne-on-one with Phyllis. For obedience, field or special problems. Rates vary.

"We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made." -- M. Acklam

Basic Training

We offer a wide variety of basic training programs for your dog. Basic obedience can be taught in our accelerated two week course (our most popular). This course will teach and condition your dog to sit, heel, come, down, and stay. We also offer month-long basic obedience that can be extended for any length of time, depending on how well-conditioned you would like your dog, or if your dog needs to master more complex tasks. For puppies, we have the "one-week-a-month" program in which your pup will spend one week out of each month with us, learning and perfecting the basics: crate training, basic obedience, and good citizenship behavior. We also offer custom programs for individual dogs. In the past we have taught dogs to jump into a crate in the car, to work with individuals using canes and walkers. We have readied dogs for obedience titles, Working Certificates and Good Citizen tests.
Let us help you enjoy your dog more because a trained dog is a joyous companion!

Need some more information or have a question? Please ask us!

            That's what it's all about! Obedience is the heart of our training programs A well trained dog conserves game Handling at the NAHRA Nationals

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13727 Blackwells Mill Road
Goldvein, VA 22720

(540) 752-4710/4888     FAX (540) 752-4775

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